Does Your Culture Handcuff or Unleash Your Talent?
High potential employees thrive in a culture that unleashes their talents and they get frustrated and leave organizations that constrain them.
Iconic Core Values
Utilizing icons can help bring your organization’s core values to life. Iconography is a simple way to illustrate the meaning behind your core values.
Office Monsters or Culture Crusaders?
If you want employees to return to the office are you framing the ask properly? CNBC has been calling Wall Street CEOs Office Monsters. What if they referred to them as Culture Crusaders instead and focused on the positives? Would that change the dialogue?
The Riptide Effect: A Sales Shift from Geographic Alignment to Vertical Alignment
A riptide is a dangerous condition that can suck a swimmer or a surfer out to sea. Rather than fighting the current, one must swim or paddle with it. This approach that we refer to as the riptide effect is an effective metaphor for driving organizational change. In this post, we discuss how technology and the pandemic have created a riptide in the way organizations needs to approach sales.
Do you refer to your work team as a Family?
Do you refer to your work team as a family? What are the pros and cons of doing so? How do scaling organizations maintain a soul? These are some of the questions explored in this blogpost.
Is Your Organization A Negatively or Positively Charged Talent Magnet?
Understanding why people quit jobs is critical to building a positively charged talent magnet for your organization. Managers who invest in their people and understand the drivers of engagement attract rather than repel talent. How do your managers stack up? We offer some tactics to drive positive talent magnetism.
Why Entrepreneurs Have The Advantage During The Coronavirus Crisis
Entrepreneurs are optimists and that is an important mindset for navigating uncertainty.
Lessons from An Early Tech Adopter: Why Everyone Will be Driving an EV Soon
I am an early adopter of technology. However, I wanted longer that I usually do to embrace electric vehicle technology. In hindsight, I question what took me so long.
The Discretionary Effort Test: A Key To Hiring Amazing Executive Assistants
Executive assistants are the unsung heroes of many organizations, but hiring amazing support is often a challenge. We have found the secret ingredient is discretionary effort and we have an approach to interview for that skill.
Employee Retention As An Outcome and Employee Engagement As The Goal
Too many organizations focus on employee retention when the goal should be employee engagement.
Designing New Office Space Is a Great Opportunity To Influence Company Culture
Top office designer Carrie Frye from CFID and Brian Formato share there thoughts on office design and how it influences company culture.
The Accordion Effect: How Organizational Structure Ebbs and Flows
Organization design is dictated by market conditions and expands and contracts much like an accordion based on the financial landscape.
Innovation: Is That Actually A Drone Selfie?
There is a clear link between innovation and leadership. Explore the connection and learn how to influence the creative culture of your organization.
I have worked for three companies in my career that had Ping-Pong (Table Tennis) tables in the offices. The Motley Fool,Time Warner Cable’s Road Runner operation and Doosan Infracore International. The existence of a Ping-Pong table in each of those environments was very telling about the type of culture that each company wanted to foster.
Why Cost Out Often Equals Culture Out Too
Cost cutting has become a standard operating procedure for many organizations, but there are hidden costs in cutting costs. Culture suffers the most and the cost to a culture might be ireparable.