Is Working From Home Working For Your Company?

Work from Home Employee Report Card

As a result of COVID-19 organizations have embraced allowing employees to work from home. Many organizations had resisted allowing work from home in the past, but the virus necessitated this move and the general consensus is that it has been a success. Working from home works well for accountable, responsible and engaged employees. Employees who are disengaged and tend to slack off have taken this opportunity to take a prolonged vacation. There is a continuum of employees in every company from your high performers to your under performers. Working from home only highlights the disparity even more.

In order to make work from home work, it is important that managers provide real time feedback to their employees. Virtual feedback can be more challenging than in person meetings, but there are tools available to facilitate virtual feedback. At Groove Management, we have created a Work From Home Report Card that allows managers to provide their direct reports with an overall grade on how effectively they have transitioned to working from home. While the report card is helpful, the conversation is the most critical piece. Employees need to know where they stand and managers must be able to assess the effectiveness of their direct reports.

If organizations are considering work from home as a permanent solution, then it is even more important that employees are measured on their ability to work effectively from home. If an employee wants to continue to work from home once offices reopen, the report card can serve as a good measure of whether or not they should be allow this privilege.

Work From Home Employee Report Card Template

Groove Management has created a simple to deploy online tool to assess individual performance while working from home. The report card asks five likert scale questions, allows for comments and then provides for an overall grade using the school grading system of A-F.

Below is a sample of the customizable report card:

Work from Home Employee Report Card
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