Bike Build Team Challenge

Exploring Collaboration and Competition within Teams

Is your team looking for a unique 1/2 day team building activity?

Groove Management offers a unique team building workshop that will help your team to explore collaboration versus competition in a fun and highly engaging activity.

During the workshop your team will be broken into sub-teams and given the task of assembling "all the products".  The products are 20" bicycles that have been kitted in their original boxes.  Each team will be given a bike box containing the bicycle parts required to build a bike.  The problem is that some boxes have too many parts and some boxes have too few parts. Teams quickly realize that to be successful, they will need to share resources.  With an hour to assemble all of the products, the teams scramble to share resources and build all of the bicycles.

Once the time is up, we dissect the process and discuss how the teams competed and collaborated.  There are lessons to be learned that can be applied to other tasks the team faces at work.  We discuss execution, quality, team work, communications, conflict and other topics that arise as a result of the activity.

The final and most impactful portion of the program occurs at the end when we discuss the fact that the teams built these bicycles without regard for their customer.  We then introduce the team to their customers.

The customers are local children from an area charity who will be given the bicycles, a helmet and a lock.  Each team is introduced to their recipient and gets to present the child with the bike, lock and helmet.

At the end of the activity, a professional bike mechanic, re-assembles all of the bikes to insure they are in safe operating condition.

What Your Team Will Learn:

  • The Power of Collaboration

  • The Importance of Communication

  • How to Create a Culture of Execution

  • The Importance of the Customer

  • Why Quality Matters

  • How to Have Fun While Learning

  • How What They Do Matters

Select Bike Build Clients

Workshop Logistics

  • Time: Minimum of 3 hours

  • Number of Participants: Minimum 12 and up to 200

  • Lead Time: At least 3 weeks prior notice to arrange for bikes and charity

  • Location: We can run this program in cities globally

Contact Groove Management to learn more about our Charity Bike Build Challenge and other team building activities.

Life is like riding a bicycle – in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving
— Albert Einstein

Because we partner with local charities and the bikes are a corporate donation, your organization can take a deduction for your charitable contributions as well as building good will in your local community.

happy boy on bike

Our Bike Supply Partner


Mental Fitness


Post Acquisition Integration