Now is The Time To Lead With Empathy- Lessons from Post 9/11 Downsizings
These are going to be trying times. The best leaders will lead with empathy. Having led significant downsizing post 9/11 I have some lessons learned to share in this post.
Tough Times Are The Most Important Time To Invest In The Team
Tough times are actually the most important times to invest in team building, but few leadership teams understand that.
Why Cost Out Often Equals Culture Out Too
Cost cutting has become a standard operating procedure for many organizations, but there are hidden costs in cutting costs. Culture suffers the most and the cost to a culture might be ireparable.
Zoom Video Conferencing Icebreakers
Smartphone icebreaker for team meetings. Easy to setup and a fun lesson on the importance of perspective.
Why Employee Engagement is So Critical During Tough Times
Keeping employees informed will go a long way towards keeping them engaged. Too much silence leads to rumor and speculation. Better to be transparent and tell it like it is, just keep the message focused on the positive and the future. Your employees will reward you by working harder and getting your organization through these tough times if you keep them focused on creating a brighter future.